Conductivity Controllers Products
Hawker Electronics have continually improved upon the original conductivity level control principle to provide today the most comprehensive and reliable range of level controllers and associated hardware. Our controllers are unique in their design because of their close switching differential. This allows them to operate in contaminated liquids such as those with the presence of foam, wet rags and sewage.All our controllers employ low voltage AC in the electrode circuit and are available in AC or DC supply voltage supplies. ATEX and IECEx approved equipment is also available.
If you would like to see a video clip about the controller's ability to ignore ragging then follow this link and if you would like to see a video clip about the controller's ability to ignore foam then follow this link
This ability to ignore electrode contamination makes the Hawker controllers operate successfully in heavily contaminated liquids such as Combined Sewer Overflows ( CSOs) sewage and chemical applications

P8/IS Intrinsically Safe Conductivity Level Controller
ATEX, UKEX and IECEx certified (to Zone 0) DIN rail mounted level controller with close switching differential. Fully adjustable sensitivity between 200 ohms to 13,000 ohms. Factory set Fail safe (High or Low), optional 5s anti splash timer. One set of volt free changeover contacts with LED for relay operation. Internal galvanic isolation requiring no further I.S. barrier protection. Supply voltage 110, 230 or 24v AC.

P4 Plug in Level Controller for Panel Mounting
Plug in (via DIN base) level controller with close switching differential suitable for the majority of applications. Fully adjustable sensitivity between 100 ohms to 18,000 ohms. Switch selectable fail to safe operation with LED indication. Two sets of volt free changeover contacts with LED for relay operation and also a power on LED. Moulded retaining clip for secure fixing of the unit to the DIN base. High sensitivity version available to 800,000 ohms. Supply voltage 110, 230 or 24v AC.

DC1/P and DC1 Controller for 10 to 27 volt DC operation
10 to 27VDC powered conductivity level controller available with DIN or wall mounting enclosure. Fully adjustable sensitivity between 200 ohms to 18,000 ohms, with close switching differential. Switch selectable fail to safe operation. One set of volt free changeover contacts with LED for relay operation and also a power on LED. Selectable Timer to allow run on/run off and avoid problems due to wave action/splashing. AC signal to the probes to avoid electrolysis.

AC1 & AC1/P Controller for wall & panel mounting
Level controllers with close switching differential available with two options. AC1 for wall mounting supplied fitted into an IP66 enclosure or the AC1/P for panel mounting. Both units have fully adjustable sensitivity between 100 ohms and 18,000 ohms and a switch selectable fail safe operation. Two sets of volt free changeover contacts with LED for relay operation and also a power on LED. Tropicalised version available for hot, humid atmostpheric conditions. AC1 and AC1/P are also available as ACJ and ACJ/P for long distance operation applications beyond 1 kilometer. Supply voltage 110 or 230vAC.

AC5/6 Controller for 2 pumps duty/standby or duty/assist. Auto sequence option /AS
Dual level controller for wall mounting supplied fitted into an IP55 enclosure. Suitable for duty/standby or duty/assist pump control. Available in two options. AC5/6 with manual toggle switch on enclosure doorfor selecting pump operation. or AC5/6/AS with auto sequencing of pump operation ( with hold provision). Fully adjustable sensitivity between 100 ohms to 18,000 ohms.Volt free contacts for pump operation with LED indication and an alarm contact is also available to indicate second pump operation. Normally supplied fail safe low. Supply voltage 110 or 230v AC.

AC Plus. A complete level controller & starter assembly
Level controller with motor starter equipment for wall mounting. Standard or customer specifiable versions available. All units supplied with a lockable enclosure to the required IP rating. and contains level controller, motor/ pump starter equipment, overloads, fuses, Isolator and optional hand-off-auto switch, pump running/pump tripped lights, alarm indicators, beacons, audible alarms etc as requested. Fully adjustable sensitivity between 100 ohms to 18,000 ohms. Supply voltage as per customers specification.

Building Services Alarm
BSA Building Services Alarm for liquids
A 10 Channel alarm unit with cable monitoring and Test Facilities where up to ten alarm points can be monitored.

Alarum. Electrode Holder & combined electronics for Alarm
Level controller and level probe assembly combined. Compact low voltage unit for typical applications of bund alarm, leak detection etc. Suitable primarily for clean water applications. Fixed sensitivity with one volt free changeover contact. 3/4inch BSPP mounting with two 3mm diameter electrodes up to one metre long. Supply voltage 12 or 24VDC.