Know How
Conductivity Systems
An electrode (metallic rod or tube) is placed in a conductive liquid (e.g. water, acid, sewage & other aqueous solution) at the point where switching is required. When the liquid touches or leaves the...
Ultrasonic Systems
A non-contact system which comprises an Ultrasonic Transducer which contains a crystal and associated electronic circuitry. The crystal is activated electrically to produce an ultrasonic sound wave or...
Capacitive Systems
When the liquid (or free flowing powders) is non-conducting (e.g. oil products, viscous & granular materials) the conductivity method does not work, and a different type of electrode containing electr...
Hydrostatic Systems
These employ a Pressure Transducer or Transmitter which when placed in a liquid, measures the pressure. Changes in the pressure reflect changes in depth so that a continuous indication of level is obt...
Bubbler (Hydrostatic) Systems
Because of the aggressive nature of some liquids,it is impossible to use normal hydrostatic or ultrasonic methods. However by mounting a pressure transducer remote from the liquid and measuring the pr...
Float Systems
A small magnetic float slides on a tubular shaft in which reed switches are mounted at intervals. The float follows the rise and fall of the liquid and actuates the switches to produce a continuous le...