DC1/P and DC1 Controller for 10 to 27 volt DC operation

Conductivity Level Controller
10 to 27VDC powered conductivity level controller available with DIN or wall mounting enclosure. Fully adjustable sensitivity between 200 ohms to 18,000 ohms, with close switching differential.. Switch selectable fail to safe operation. One set of volt free changeover contacts with LED for relay operation and also a power on LED. Selectable Timer to allow run on/run off and avoid problems due to wave action/splashing. AC signal to the probes to avoid electrolysis.
- Suitable for a wide range of Conductive liquids e.g. Sewage, Water, Acids etc
- Precise level detection with no 'Dead Band'
- Protection against dry running
- Prevents pump overrun, reducing operating costs
- Ignores electrode fouling
- Simple low cost installation
- Wide selection of electrodes and mounting accessories
- DC Powered
- Timer function